Company legislation requires businesses to perform several administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The last thing you need as a business owner is to be stressed out trying to ensure you comply with the Corporations Law. The possible threat of penalties for failing to keep up with the changing rules is too great a risk to take.

At Messenger Murray Picello Pty Ltd we can relieve this burden for you. Our services include:

  • General advice on company law 
  • Company formations 
  • Filing annual returns on your behalf 
  • Preparing all documentation related to minutes and resolutions 
  • Maintaining statutory books 
  • Assistance with changes of directors, shareholders, addresses, and office details 
  • Bonus issues 
  • Share transfers 
  • Registered office facility

About Messenger Murray Picello

Accounting, Taxation and Business Services

We deliver outside of the box results, different ways to solve challenges and although we walk and talk like accountants, we add that bit extra by creating different, intelligent and workable solutions along with remarkable customer service.

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Level 2, Suite 251,
117 Old Pittwater Road,
Brookvale NSW 2100

PO Box 7384,
Warringah Mall NSW 2100

02 9977 8077


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