Changes for business owners

From 1st July 2014, employers with more than 20 employees are required to provide timely information about superannuation contributions they have made.

From 1st July 2014, employers with more than 20 employees are required to provide timely information about superannuation contributions they have made.

SuperStream or Data and Payment Standards, is a new process requiring employers to pay their employees superannuation contributions using the government’s new data standards. In layman’s terms, it means all superannuation contributions need to be made and recorded electronically – no more cheque writing.

Employers will have to comply with 2 things under SuperStream:

1. The payment must be made electronically to the nominated superfund.

2.  Details of the payment transaction, such as employee name, Tax File Number and Super fund member   number are also sent to the superfund.

The government hopes that SuperStream will help:

  1. Speed up the time it takes for super contributions to be credited against the members super account (from weeks to just days)
  2. Provide better information about the amount and timing of superannuation payments to employees
  3. Provide notification from funds to members on whether contributions have or have not been received.
  4. Better data matching / consolidation by super funds in regards to money it has and whom it belongs to, for example, reduction in funds not credited against a super member.

Prepare for SuperStream with MYOB

To facilitate this compliance task, MYOB have released an integrated SuperStream solution for MYOB products with a payroll feature including:

  • AccountRight Live
  • AccountRight v19
  • MYOB Essentials
  • Powerpay

To find out more about superstream, please contact us on the contact details below..

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